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Monday, December 26, 2016



Matthew 19:7-8

“They said to Him, ‘Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?’ He said to them, ‘Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.’ ”

Jesus answered the age-old question: Why does God allow people to do things that are against His will? The answer is that God has given each of us free will that can choose to obey or disobey Him. We are not robots, programmed to always do the right thing. We decide whether we will do God’s will or fulfill our own lustful desires. When our hearts become hard and insensitive, we violate His perfect will. It is called “sin.” I want what I want when I want it, regardless of God’s will. When my heart becomes hard toward God and toward other people, I do all kinds of bad things. God calls me to be tender-hearted (Ephesians 4:32). O God, help me keep a tender heart!

TODAY’S PRINCIPLE: A hard heart toward God causes sinful behavior.


Have a "tender-hearted" day.   Love you.

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