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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dad's Ramblings -- The Unpresentable Parts

I Corinthians 12:22-24
"No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given great honor to that part which lacks it."
Which is more important – the face or the liver? The liver is not a thing of beauty. I haven't yet seen a picture of a liver hanging on a frontroom wall with the other pretty faces of the family. Yet try living without it. The hidden parts are just as important – perhaps more necessary – than the external ones that get all the glory. Who will receive the greater reward? Billy Graham or the person who prayed? When I think that my service to God is of no value because no one notices it or praises it, I need to remember that God sees the hidden "unpresentable" parts and will reward them.
TODAY'S THOUGHT: Unnoticed ministries are just as important as the ones that get all the glory.
Have an "unpresentable" day. Love you.

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