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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dad's Ramblings -- Strength and Experience

"The glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is their gray head."
                              Proverbs 20:29
Through the years I have admired gray hair, wishing I could have a white head. Instead, I have a mottled gray. :) Gray hair in itself does not guarantee wisdom, but it is a symbol of someone who has some understanding that comes from experience. John wrote of young men who had fought and overcome "the wicked one" and old men who "have known Him who is from the beginning" (I John 2:12-14). We need both the strength of young people who fight the battles with the enemy, and the stability of old people who have experienced and know the power and faithfulness of God over the long haul.
Today's Thought: Strength of youth and experience of age are important to the vitality and stability of the family and church.
Have a strong day. Love you.

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