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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dad's Ramblings -- Bribe or Reward?

"A present is a precious stone in the eyes of the beholder;  wherever he turns, he prospers."
                                      Proverbs 17:8
This proverb is an enigma.  What is the correlaton of a gift and success?  Many Bibles translate "present" as "bribe."  Bribes do bring a certain amount of success, because they cause the receiver to please the giver.  But bribes can be either to promote good or evil.  A bribe can be an incentive to do good (as with children) or to do evil (as with politicians).  In my view, bribes should be avoided because it makes the receiver beholden to the giver, and causes people to do things for the wrong motives.  But rewards are powerful incentives. Is it a bribe or a reward?  That is the question.  What do you think?
Today's Thought:  A gift or bribe can bring a desired end.
Have a questioning day.  Love you.

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