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Monday, October 26, 2009


I need to correct a typo on the Dad's Ramblings for 10/26/09.  Instead of "Inquiring minds what to know," it should read "Inquiring minds want to know."  I guess this is to keep me humble because I am quick to point out proofreading errors in other peoples' writings. 
Actually, I questioned my choice of application of the text when I wrote it.  Questions?  Why write about questions?  But it seemed the Lord confirmed this choice because as I was doing my morning walk, I listened to a podcast by a preacher who, in his message, said that in the red letters of the Gospels, there are 150 questions, and in the book of Mark alone there are 50 instances of dialogues with people using 60 questions asked by Jesus.  Of all the days I could have listened to this podcast, it was today.  So I think the Lord had a purpose.
Love, Dad

Windows 7: I wanted more reliable, now it's more reliable. Wow!

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