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Monday, April 19, 2021



" 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!….Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!'" (Luke 15:6, 9).

The fifteenth chapter of Luke is all about finding what was lost – the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost sons. These parables are in response to the scribes and pharisees who complained that Jesus spent time with "sinners" (vs. 2). Jesus came to save sinners. The scribes and Pharisees had no time for the riff-raft of society, who were beneath their status.

But Jesus had a different perspective. He saw them as lost people who needed to be found – redeemed. And He said that is heaven's perspective. The hosts of heaven rejoice when a sinner comes to repentance.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I lose that perspective – that people are lost. It is easy to stand in judgment and think, "That stupid sheep. It's his fault that it is lost. It should have made better choices." Or, "That crazy woman. Why didn't she take better care of her treasured coin." Those judgments may or may not be valid, but they don't help the situation. Whatever the cause, people are lost and need to be rescued.

When I lived in Oregon, it seemed that every year, there were people who got lost on Mount Hood and needed to be rescued. I'll admit that I often did not have much compassion. I often thought, "Those foolish people. Why would they put themselves into such a dangerous position?"

But thank goodness, there were search and rescue people who, regardless of the danger to themselves, would risk their own lives to find and rescue the lost mountain climbers.

When I look at people around me who are lost and need a Savior, it does no good to sit on my duff and criticize them. They need to be found and that happens when someone is willing to get out of their comfort zone to find them.

I'm so glad that Jesus did a search and rescue that found me when I was lost. I truly want to be a part of Jesus' search and rescue team.

Love, Dad

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