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Thursday, September 10, 2020



"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us" (II Corinthians 4:7).

Patsy Clairmont, a popular Christian comedian, has a routine called "God Uses Cracked Pots." In her monologue, she refers to herself as an earthen pot that is damaged and cracked (hopefully nota crackpot). God created us perfect, but sin has damaged His intention for us. But the very imperfections and flaws can be the vehicle for God to demonstrate His power and His glory.

All of us have our weaknesses. But God can use us even in our weakness to accomplish His purposes. Noah got drunk, but God used Him to save the human race. Moses had a speech impairment, but God used him to deliver Israel from Egypt. Joseph had a problem with pride as a youth, but God used him to preserve the family of Jacob. David had a problem with lust, but God used him to build a kingdom. Peter had foot in mouth disease, but God used him to be a powerful preacher and leader in the early church. There are many other examples in Scripture of people who had their imperfections, but those weaknesses do not limit God. He can use anyone who is available. As the old saying goes, God uses FAT people. FAT is an acronym that stands for – Faithful, available, and Teachable. It is the power of Christ in a person that accomplishes God's purposes, so that all the glory belongs to Jesus. The song says, "All the glory belongs to Jesus. All the praise belongs to Him. All that I am, or ever hope to be …. All the glory belongs to Him."

We are all cracked pots in one way or another. We each have our own blemishes and flaws. But even in our cracked pot condition, "We do not lose heart, Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day" (vs. 16). God is at work in our lives, renewing and changing us. This is a life-long exercise, being conformed to the image of Christ.

Bill Gothard presented a program called "Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts." He distributed to the participants a button that read PBPGINFWMY – another acronym meaning "Please be patient – God is not not finished with me yet." Other people may give up on me, but God never does. The Potter knows what vessel He desires, and He is forming me according to His plans. I am still a work in progress – still on the potter's wheel as I yield to the Master Potter.

Love, Dad

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