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Monday, July 27, 2020



"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God' " (Psalm 14:1)

"Now after a while, they saw a man afar off coming toward them. He was traveling alone. Then Christian said to Hopeful, 'Look, a man with his back toward Zion is coming to meet us.' … So he drew nearer and at last met up with them. His name was Atheist, and he asked them were they were going."

When Atheist learned that Christian and Hopeful were traveling to the Celestial City, he ridiculed them and laughed, claiming that he had searched for many years and had come to the conclusion that there was no such place. He determined that the only pleasure to be found was in this life.

There are several kinds of Atheists. One denies the existence of the Spiritual realm – God, Heaven, and the Gospel. In his delusion, he considers people who believe in God to be ignorant. The other kind of Atheist is the one who says he believes in God but does not live like it. I call him a "practical atheist." But God says that the Atheist is a fool. A fool is someone who sees the evidence but denies the truth of the evidence. They are like the Russian Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, who claimed that he went into space and did not see God. One only has to have open eyes and open mind to see the order of Creation to know that there has to be a Creator. Anyone who sees this evidence and denies it is a fool.

The Atheist that Christian and Hopeful met said he had searched for God, but had clearly had ignored the evidence. He was the ignorant one – not the Pilgrims.

I believe in God, not only because of evidence of the General Revelation of Creation, but also because of the Special Revelation of the Bible and the Lord Jesus. The evidence of the universe and of history is on the side of the Believer. To deny that evidence is true ignorance.

Love, Dad

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