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Friday, March 15, 2013

Parables of Jesus -- True Character

PARABLES OF JESUS – True Character
Luke 16:3
" 'Then the steward said within himself, "What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg." ' "
In these fragile economic times when many people have lost their jobs, many have had to ask the same question: "What shall I do?" Is digging ditches beneath my dignity?   Would asking for help attack my self-esteem?   Our society has fostered the idea that one should not be employed  below his status. So it is difficult to find a job because of being "overqualified." Economic hardship brings out the true character of a person. This man was willing to sacrifice his character to make money – both before and after he was fired.  He had no scruples or integrity.  To ask forgivenss and throw himself on the mercy of his master was not even an option for this man, so he just continued his practice of  scamming people.   Toward the end of this teaching, Jesus said, "He who is faithful in the least is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in the least is unrighteous in much" (verse 10). The steward demonstrated his true character. I need to live with integrity in both good and bad times.
TODAY'S THOUGHT: Hard times brings out the true character of a person.
Have a "true character" day. Love you.

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