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Monday, September 5, 2011

Dad's Ramblings -- The Cost of Love

"If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would receive me. But if he has wronged you, or owes anything, put that on my account."
                                                                      Philemon 17-18
Paul's love for Onesimus is plainly evident. He is willing to put his pocketbook on the table for Onesimus. True love is like that. Love "does not seek its own" (I Corinthians 13:5). That is, love cares more about the other person than personal welfare or gain. Love seeks the best for another person regardless of the cost. It reminds me of the Good Samaritan, who told the innkeeper he would repay whatever was owed (Luke 10:35). There is a cost to love. It means nothing if there is no personal sacrifice. Love demands more than convenient giving. It requires giving of myself – like Jesus Who loved me and made the Great Sacrifice.
Today's Thought: True love is costly.
Have a loving day. Love you.

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