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Monday, December 7, 2009

Dad's Ramblings -- The Deception of Sin

"Discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil...from those who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the way of darkness."
                                                  Proverbs 2:11-13
Sin is deceptive. It looks like light but is really darkness. It can seem so beautiful and attractive, but it rejoices in evil, it delights in perversity, its ways are crooked and devious (vss. 14-15) and eventually leads to death (vs. 18). It is like Las Vegas. The flashing neon lights are most beautiful at night. Those who are enticed by the glitter walk into darkness. The light of day exposes sin for what it is. This is discretion and understanding (wisdom) at work: to see past the glitz to what sin really is – ugly and destructive.
Today's Thought: Wisdom understands that no matter how glamourous sin is, it is still darkness.
Have a sun-filled day. Love you.

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